Thursday, March 24, 2011

MuNu's Finest...Intramural Edition

First of all let me start by saying the Bruhs are hilarious. Secondly, I want everyone to know that this is for fun. Third, if you don't agree with the list...i could really care less.

I cannot in my right mind judge anyone that I did not see no disrespect to the Cheo's, D Gips and Kelvin's of the world. Also I will not mention any Bruhs who actually played on the actual basketball team so Shout Out to Big Bro On Monday and Chris A, but they will not make an appearance. I also want to Shout Out Bro Jordan for the inspiration as well as some very compelling arguments via Twitter. I am listing 7 Bruhs...for the jewels...debate if you would like. 

Honrable Mention:
Geralda Baugh- Strengths: Great fire and competitive spirit, could knock down a mid range jumper, and if he was in the kind of shape back then that he is now...he would be a beast.Weaknesses: Attitude.

Byron Austin- Strengths: good size, great re-bounder considering weight class, and was left handed so he was pretty much always able to get his shot off. Weakness: Fatigues Quickly; Fragile (no fault of his own)
#7 Avin Jordan- Strengths: good outside shooter and passer. High basketball IQ and also was willing to play his role for the team. Weakness: Attitude and knee injury. Sometimes when frustrated, Bro. Jordan would become indifferent and just go through the motions.

#6 Tyrone Brownlee- Strengths: Never saw a shot he didn't like. When Bro. Brownlee got hot it was like watching Vinny "The Microwave" Johnson. good outside shot, could finish at the rim. Weakness: NO DEFENSE, just wasn't part of his game and he made his "snow bird technique" work for the betterment of the Team.

#5 David Hastings- Strengths: Dave was a natural scorer. He had a quiet intensity and had the ability to score in bunches. Weaknesses: Limited Defensively; Couldn't come through in the clutch. When he was cold, he really was ICE COLD.

#4 Steve Matthews- Strengths: Probably the most focused I have ever seen this cat was on the basketball court. He could play multiple positions, was always around the ball coming off rebounds and could hit an open jumper. He also played good defense. Weakness: Wasn't really explosive. He worked with what he had but the sheer athleticism wasn't there.

#3. Greg Ware- Strengths Lightning quick. He always looked to get others involved, could hit the mid range jumper and definitely could get inside the heart of a defense. Weakness: turnover prone; he had the tendency to try and do to much with the ball and didn't have a consistent enough jumper from range..and he was definitely not an on the ball defender.

#2 Henry Smith- Strengths: this guy was a pure scorer. he could hit any shot on the floor and would do so effortlessly; could finish at the rim. Henry could also play very solid man to man defense and just looked like a guy you wanted to have playing along side you. Weakness: Dedication to the team. Just never knew if or when you were going to see him.

#1 Bruce Jones- Strengths: He could do it all.Whether it was scoring inside or outside, he could do it. Had a face up game as well as back to the basket. he could defend man to man as well as defend the rim. He just had the attitude that he knew he was the best guy on the floor...and most of the time he was. Weakness: Didn't dominate like he could have all the time.

That's the list...and it pretty much is based on Intramural and pick up games that I saw. This is also based on back then and not based on what is now, what could have been back then or what should have been back then. How does this list stack up? You decide?


  1. Not bad..but your right, if I was in better shape back!

  2. Man, now you got Avin upset that he's always right behind me....I say he should be honored to have made the Top 7....LOL.

    Now I'm wondering did you finish the blog after learning of your #MarchBabies on the way?
